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Third Avenue

Why are blogs so important? Blog
August 20, 2019

Why are blogs so important?

You’ve probably heard a lot about blogs, with some people saying they’re important and that you need to have a blog for your website. This may leave you wondering why everyone is raving about it and why it’s so important. Luckily for you, we are going to explain just why blogs are so important and why you should invest your…
What is a Tagline and what can it do for your business? Blog
August 9, 2019

What is a Tagline and what can it do for your business?

Making your business recognisable is an extremely difficult task and it takes a great amount of time and thought. It can be achieved through a variety of methods, most notably through a well-designed logo and tagline. We’ve already discussed the best tips for logo design in a previous blog, but we haven’t touched on taglines. Taglines, also known as slogans,…
Colour Theory for designers Blog
July 25, 2019

Colour Theory for designers

In our previous blog on top tips for logo design, we mentioned the use of colouring and how important it is. Colour is in fact one of the most influential factors when it comes to branding. You need to be able to understand the science behind the colours you use, and not just from an artistic standpoint. Red We will…
Top tips for logo design Blog
July 19, 2019

Top tips for logo design

One of the most important elements of any brand image is the logo. The most well known businesses in the world have the most recognisable logos, some so recognisable that even with elements missing we can still establish what the brand is - hence the 'guess the logo' games. Know your brand and its image The first step in designing…