You’ve probably heard a lot about blogs, with some people saying they’re important and that you need to have a blog for your website. This may leave you wondering why everyone is raving about it and why it’s so important. Luckily for you, we are going to explain just why blogs are so important and why you should invest your time into them.
Fresh Content
The most common benefit of having a blog is for SEO. If you ask for advice on how to improve your search engine optimisation, one of the first pieces of advice you would get is to start a blog with consistent posts. The reason for this is because by posting, for example once every month, you are showing Google that your website is constantly being updated with fresh and new information. This essentially makes your website appear better than other websites, which makes it the more preferable option for the algorithm to suggest to Google users. This then drives more users to your website and hopefully more conversions.

Site Power
Another SEO benefit is that it can be used to build up power to your service pages. Blogs that you read will often have a link that will take you to a service page on the website. This is done to generate link power and feed it to these service pages in order to help them rank better in the search results. This is sometimes referred to ask tier building, and this can be further improved by getting people to link or reference the blog from other websites, extending the link chain and generating more power.
Increasing average duration
Many people believe that having a blog increases the average visit duration and decreases what is known as bounce rate, the percentage of people who click on the website and leave without interacting with it. This is true to an extent, but what’s missing is the mention that it must be a high-quality blog with good content, that is pleasing to the eye. Filling your blog with a block of boring text will cause users to leave instantly and will not improve the time a user spends on your site. Break your text up with paragraphs and images to make reading your blog seem less of a chore.
Long-Tailed Keywords
Blog posts allow you to target and rank for longer tailed keywords. For those who aren’t familiar with what a long-tailed keyword is, it is a more specific or detailed keyword. An example of a keyword you may be trying to rank for could be “Running shoes”, and a long-tailed keyword of this would be “Best running shoes of 2019”. These long-tailed keywords help to bring consumers who know what they are looking for to your site, and this target audience is more likely to read more on your site or even convert.

We hope that this has helped to clear up any questions or confusion surrounding the importance of blogs. If you have any more unanswered questions feel free to contact us, we’d love to help. You can find out much more about SEO services on the rest of our website.